With this II International Conference, we continue the work of promoting Patristic Studies that was begun more than twenty years ago by the Catholic University of Cuyo and more specifically by Dr. María Isabel Larrauri. Just one of the fruits of this labor was the 2012 I International Conference on Patristic Studies on the topic of “The Identity of Jesus: Unity and Diversity in the Patristic Era.” Specialists from 15 countries were able to participate in this event, making it a truly collaborative experience.


Main Speakers

Mons Cesare Pasini

Mons. Cesare Pasini

Prefecto Biblioteca Apostólica del Vaticano
Dr Angelo Di Berardino

Dr. Angelo Di Berardino

Institutum Patristicum Augustiniamum-Roma-Italia
Dr Marco Rizzi

Dr. Marco Rizzi

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano-Italia-Secretario de la Asociación Internacional de Estudios Patrísticos (Italia)
Dr Lorenzo Perrone

Dr. Lorenzo Perrone

Universidad de Bologna-Italia
Dr Theo De Bruyn

Dr. Theo De Bruyn

Department of Classics and Religious Studies University of Ottawa-Presidente de la Asociación Internacional de Estudios Patrísticos
Dr David Brakke

Dr. David Brakke

Ohio State University – EEUU – Editor del Journal of Early Christian Studies
Dr Francisco Garcia Bazan

Dr. Francisco García Bazán

Investigador Superior CONICET – Argentina
Dr Oscar Velasquez

Dr. Oscar Velásquez

ExVicepresidente de AIEP – Chile
Dr Lautaro Lanzillota

Dr. Lautaro Roig Lanzillota

University of Groningen – Holanda – Founding Joint Editor